Lactomuscle For horses prone to tying-up or azoturia

For use as a feed supplement in the nutritional management of horses prone to “tying-up” during strenuous exercise. LACTOMUSCLE is a feed supplement containing
sodium citrate helping maintain the body’s natural defence mechanisms including
flushing of waste in the urine to protect against the “tying-up”. LACTOMUSCLE contains B1 and B5 vitamins who intervenes in the metabolism of glucids during muscular contraction

Feeding Guide:
30 ml per day during intense work or competiton
50 ml before and after an intense work
1 L dosing bottle: sufficient for 33 days at 30 ml per day
5 L jerrican: sufficient for 166 days at 30 ml per day

Presentation: liquid
1 L dosing bottle & 5 L jerrican
